Dr. Hu received a Travel Award from the 149th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association. The submitted abstract will be included in the Annals of Neurology Publication and categorized as an Abstract of Distinction. The abstract title is “Altered Myelin Lipid Homeostasis and Their Effect on Promyelinating Factor – PAK2 in PMP22 Haploinsufficiency.” June 20, 2024
Nerve Myelination Study Identifies PAK2 as Novel Therapeutic Target, March 21. 2024

Dr. Hu was honored with the Excellence in Peer-Reviewed Publication Award by the Houston Methodist Academic Institute on February 29, 2024.

Dr. Hu was awarded the Career Cornerstone Award by the Houston Methodist Academic Institute on September 14, 2023.
Summer 2023 Internship Program – May 30th-August 4th, 2023

Truc Le, a summer intern from The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, presented her research at the 6th Annual MAPTA Summer Science Symposium. Her poster presentation is titled, “Schwann Cells with FIG4 Deficiency are Predisposed to Demyelination.”

Geri Jenkins, a summer intern from Texas A&M University, showcased her research at the 6th Annual MAPTA Summer Science Symposium through a poster presentation entitled “Establishing a Deep Learning System to Screen Molecular Compounds for Treating Lysosomal Storage Diseases.”